
Delivering success across industries

We partner with ambitious clients to build great products together

Discover our rich portfolio: Witness the impact of our solutions across varied industries and business sizes

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Crafting success stories with path-breaking projects spanning multiple industries

Discover how we transform ideas into innovative and dependable technology solutions for every client.


Custom Software Development

UI/UX Design

A B2B SaaS Platform for Vendor Management

Served as CTO for a visionary entrepreneur, conceptualized and built a groundbreaking, next-gen vendor management system from inception. This innovative solution disrupted vendor management, leading to its $510 million acquisition.


Months from idea to MVP


Users in 3 months

A B2B SaaS Platform for Vendor Management1

A Revolutionary HRMS platform

We designed and built a customized Human Resource Management System (HRMS) system from scratch, delivering a user-friendly and scalable solution that streamlined their HR and payroll processes.

< 6

Months from idea to MVP


Reduction in days to complete inspection

A Revolutionary HRMS platform

Crafting an Intuitive UI/UX for a Data-Driven Platform

We designed an intuitive and visually appealing UI/UX for a CSR platform, enabling users to easily navigate and engage with the platform. This enhanced user experience that fostered greater participation.


Weeks from Concept to Design


Wireframes and Visual Designs

UX for a Data-Driven Platform

AI-driven Automation for Aircraft Lease Management

We helped the global asset lease manager with an AI. Rules based solution to automate several tasks of the auditing process using deep neural networks for NLP and Computer Vision.


Aircrafts audited over 3 years


Reduction in days to complete inspection

AI-driven Automation for Aircraft Lease Management

API-Based SaaS for NDC-IATA Air Ticketing

We developed an NDC-based airline ticketing system to replace the existing GDS-based system, integrating it with the back-office. Worked as development partner and helped scaling the MVP to an enterprise grade application.


Months from idea to MVP


Major Airlines On-boarded with the MVP

API-Based SaaS for NDC-IATA Air Ticketing

Senior-Centric Marketplace & Assisted Living Hub

We designed and developed a user-friendly SaaS platform from the ground up. This comprehensive solution empowers seniors and families to discover suitable senior living communities online effortlessly and plan visits seamlessly, streamlining the entire process.


Months from idea to MVP & funding


Communities on-boarded within 3 months of launch

Senior-Centric Marketplace & Assisted Living Hub1

Digital Pharmacy: Revolutionizing Patient Care

We built a pre sorted prescription pill pack system from an idea to a scalable MVP in 3 months. We partnered with them during pandemic and remotely worked with machines that was introduced first time in India.


Months from idea to MVP


Full Service Digital Pharmacy in India

Digital Pharmacy_ Revolutionizing Patient Care

Streamlined, Powerful Online Survey Platform

We delivered a seamless UX design transformation. From wireframe production to UI design, we implemented enhanced survey tools with intuitive workflows, elevating the platform from basic inquiry forms to sophisticated user experiences.


Months from Concept to Design


Wireframes and Visual Designs

Streamlined, Powerful Online Survey Platform

A Global Aggregator Platform for Interior Designing

We developed an ecosystem facilitating collaboration between homeowners, designers, and merchants, enabling the creation of beautiful spaces while benefiting all parties involved.


Months from Concept to Design


Aggregator platform with curated designs

A Global Aggregator Platform for Interior Designing

An Advanced, Automated Chatbot & Sales Management System

We helped the UK based enterprise with their mission to help SMEs fulfil their growth potential by supplying excellent, automated chatbot technologies that simplify and enhance direct to consumer sales.


Requests/sec managing capacity


Sessions Managed with a scalable architecture

An advanced, automated chatbot & Sales Management System.

Social Network for Student Projects

We created a secure and scalable hybrid web application designed with an intuitive, minimalistic interface that allows users to seamlessly access and utilize the platform across various devices, ensuring a consistent and engaging experience.


Months to go to live


Faster to design dashboards

Social Network for Student Projects

Personalised Employment Platform

Our main objective was to deliver an MVP in quick timeline so that the client can gain a competitive advantage. To tackle this challenging task, we carried out phase wise development process.


Users acquired in 1 week


Third party integrations

Personalised Employment Platform

Revolutionary LMS Platform For Educational or Training Institutions

We developed two variants of the platform - catering to corporates as well as educational &amp; training institutes to provide standardised learning in real-time.


Months from idea to MVP


Users in 3 months

Revolutionary LMS Platform For Educational or Training Institutions

AI Enabled Email Warming Platform

We have been an integral part of the client's journey as a technology & ; development partner in building an email warming tool and an extended AI enabled spam checker.


Months from idea to MVP


Connection with any inbox

AI enabled Email warming platform

Skill Assessment & Measurement Platform

We have worked as an extended arm to the client in rearchitecting the entire assessment/ Testing platform and admin dashboard to stay relevant in the digital age.


Concurrent coding sessions


Third party integrations

Skill Assessment & Measurement Platform

Automated Analytics Application to Manage Complex Online Data

Our deep technical expertise enabled us to build a scalable &amp; fault tolerant application with a new technology stack that can cope with the massive amount of data and the underlying hardware infrastructure.


and Fault Tolerant SaaS Platform


Improved Conversion

Automated Analytics Application To Manage Complex Online Data

UX design for a Tool to Manage Vessel Movements at Ports.

We identified user needs and designed workflows to automate vessel movement processes for port and security personnel, increasing efficiency and effectiveness.


Weeks from Concept to Design


Wireframes & Designs

UX design for a tool to Manage Vessel Movements at ports.

A Collaborative Child Development Tracker

Our main objective was to deliver an MVP in quick timeline so that the client can gain a competitive advantage. To tackle this challenging task, we have carried out this development in 2 phases.


Users acquired in 1 week


Third party integrations

A collaborative child development tracker1

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There has been extremely high end-user satisfaction for the solutions developed by Reckonsys. Their team understands our requirements and works hard to help us achieve our goals. They are reliable, honest and technically strong.

Elliot Hamilton

Co-Founder, Enquirybox


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